Me? I'm hella tired! Do you know I've been writing on here non-stop for like two months straight without a real break? That I've posted like 450 posts since I came on here? I didn't know it would be, but this daily writing bullshit is exhausting.
Not only that, but I found myself getting a lil too attached to this world, letting things in the real world break down and fall apart, and taking it a bit too personal when, recently, there was a "disturbance in the force" out in blog land.
That whole mess was like being in the next room while your parents were arguing, and then having to sit at the dinner table with them and act like you didn't hear the fight... hesitant to ask Mom to pass the green beans because you're afraid she might throw the whole dish in Dad's face. And you just knew divorce was just around the corner. Then one day, you come home from school and there's only one parent there waiting for you... the other has already moved out.
I tried to not let it bother me, but bother me it did, disrupted my peace of mind even. And maybe it was all heightened for me because it's PMS WEEK at Casa Penzo, I'd stopped meditating, had too much on my plate, was getting zero sleep and because I have this NEED in me to fix things, be a peacemaker and make everything OK, but it actually stressed me out when I realized I couldn't do a thing to fix it... I wonder if this is how my kids felt when C and I split up? No wonder K & N are so CUH-RAY-ZEE!
I don't know... maybe I'm just too damn sensitive this time of the month... or those damn pork chops I ate at Nina's are fuckin wit' me still...
Anywayz, that's when I knew it was time to step back and chill in the cut for a bit. Concentrate more on my fiction, my thesis, my journals, hell, maybe even clean my bathroom before the sink up and walks out in protest! And let's not even get into whatever that shriveled up green thing with all that fuzz on it in the crisper of my fridge USED TO be... I believe shit is *actually* mutating in that there crisper... and I think it said something to me in Swahili!! I was kinda shook...
Soooo, The Jaded NYer is taking one of her famous mini-breaks. I think last time it was two weeks, right? Yeah, two weeks sounds about right. I know that last time it was a full-on nervous breakdown, but please be assured that this time it's just a cup of needing to get other shit done with a dash of mental exhaustion. Nothing to write home about.
A moment of silence for my extensive TO DO list and fragile psyche, sponsored by Ms. DiFranco...
...and we're back!
I will probably post pictures from tonight's PAR-TAY at Moe's tomorrow, but after that, you won't hear from me- on this blog or yours (if you have one)- for a good two weeks. That almost seems like blog suicide, right? But it's either that or take to a clock tower somewhere, and my hair hasn't been looking right lately so I don't feel like being on TV. *smile*
Besides, I'll be too busy lounging on the sandy beaches of the cyber equivalent of Tahiti to care. You know I love y'all like Amy Winehouse loves crack, but The Voices and I need some time to regroup and just, oh, I don't know, LIVE ;)
Peace n Hair Grease!
The Jaded NYer
*smooches...looking forward to the silence*
I'm always reachable via email, so if you absolutely NEED to reach me and I don't already know you in real life: rpenzo@thejadednyer.net
"...just show me a moment that is mine
it's beauty blinding and unsurpassed..."
I completely relate. I have to pull myself aside sometimes and be like "enough!!" My kids are pulling at my legs wanting attention and I'm too busy conversing with people I'm not sure really exist to give it to them. And it's pretty pathetic when those same people I don't really know exist leave comments that have the capability of affecting my mood even for a second. How silly. Take your break!! We'll be here when you get back!!
breaks are good, but do come back.
@kathy- YES! one morning my daughter was like, "You're reading blogs AGAIN?" That was my first clue to give it a rest. lol
@lou- oh I'll be back; I have like 12 drafts of posts mad at me because they have to wait two weeks to see the light of day... I have no choice but to come back :)
nobody needs your blogs anyways, gosh. I mean, who reads them?? Well I guess I do...but still....Enjoy your break but please remember that I know your home address, your email addresses (yes, all of them), your middle name, where you work, your mom and your sister....wait I am your sister...you can't hide from me
{insert evil little sister laughter}
;-) Mari
I totally hear ya about a "disturbance" in blog land, I've only been blogging for two months and it's like my "baby", I enjoy posting pics, chatting with others, commenting on their blogs, but negativity, I deal with TOO much of that in the REAL WORLD.
So enjoy your break hunny!!!!!
@mari- don't you ever get tired of displaying your crazy to the world? no? me neither! we must be related LOL
@the princess- it is like your baby, right? I have to constatnly remind myself to chill out with this blog. hopefully I'll learn how on my break :)
Damn 450 posts in 2 months. You killing the game.. lol you deserve a break. Save a drink in cyber Tahiti fro me.
Pero, it's about time! I need a minute to actually catch up on actually READING your blog. You pump them out rapid-fire and I can't even blink before you've got multiple ones I've yet to read!
So, anyway - since you have quite the blog following, can I steal them for two weeks?!
*whistles* Hey folks! THIS way!
Handle your business ma.
@homer- lol no, I've been blogging since 2006, but everyday for the past two months
@jack- when I come back, I betta STILL have my readers, punk!
@clnmike- thanks, hon
Enjoy! Enjoy!
enjoy the rest, come back with stories!
break...if you must.
just b/c you're taking a break doesn't mean that i don't expect to see you at the 12th Planet. Haaaaa
@yasmeen- I plan on it!
@q- girl, I got stories on reserve, don't worry! it's never a dull moment over here!
@12kyle- child I'm barely going to even turn on my computer in the next two weeks except to play my iTunes and watch DVDs... just hold my spot over at the 12th panet and I'll be there in two weeks!! HA!
I 'effin hate blogger. I commented last night and nowhere to be found.
Anywhoo enjoy your time off, DAMN I can't believe you did a blog every day for two months. And here I am throwing a party over two in one day HAHAA.
I don't know how you do Ms. Jaded, and raise two kids. But more power to you. Off to visit Jack HAHAHAH
Fuck it is my favorite now. More people should follow her lead - she a smart cookie. See ya there, miss thang! (and don't listen to Jaded - dique street corners. She's confused)
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