Last few seasons saw controversy all up in and around you like crazy; I don't know if you took steroids or any other performance enhancing drugs, but I do know that the media was up your ass 24/7 and there was no need for all that. No one wanted to cut you a break!
I understand that you had a nasty attitude towards reporters and that right there sealed your fate. Still, I fail to understand why that had to take away from your achievements.
Because you never played for New York I was never a fan per se, but when I realized you were not on any rosters this year I was bummed. It's like the end of a baseball era. First Shea and Yankee stadium are slated for demolition, and now Bonds is out of baseball? Why, Jesus, why?
Someone with a record like this:
· All-time Major League Home Run leader
· 7 MVPs
· 13-time All Star
· 8 Gold Gloves
· 12 Silver Slugger Awards
· Third member of 700 Home Run Club
· Only member in 500/500 Club
· Single Season Home Run King (73)
· Two-time N.L. Batting Champion (2002, 2004)
· Player of the Decade for the 1990's by The Sporting News
· All-time Major League walks leader
· Set single-season walks (232) and intentional walks (120) record
· Set single-season OBP record (.609)
· Holds Major League record for consecutive seasons with 30-or-more HR, accomplishing this 13 times
...should not be treated like the red-headed stepchild of Baseball. As if you're the only one "misbehavin'" if that is in fact what you did.
Just know that somewhere out there are people who are thinking of you, who think you were a great baller, and will miss you out on the field. Like me. Cause even though you're not a NYer, I can appreciate your game.
Actually, I heard a rumor that the Giants are sucking BIG DONKEY DICK right about now... that's gotta feel good, no? Plus the market for rubber chickens in San Fran is suffering... they miss you Barry, they really, really miss you!
So good luck with your post-Giants life and your foundation; enjoy your babies and your wife; and tell the media to fuck off (as usual).
Also, um, before you sail away into sports obscurity... um... do you still hang with Bobby Bonilla? If so, can you, um, slip him my URL right quick (BOBBY, I still love you!)? Thanks, man, good lookin' out.
The Jaded NYer
*smooches...giving the SF Giants the side eye*
in other news, I'm heading down to DC for the weekend... to hang with Mari... expect HILARITY in the next few posts. You know how we like to make videos n shit...
I so wish they wouls stop witht he steroids crap. It's so boring and who cares.
Not to hi-jack your post, but I need you to see Olly giving me the *side eye*. It's a good one.
Why, Jesus, why? I see it really bothered you...NOT.
I have nothing bad to say about Barry Bonds. It's awful how MLB has crucified this man and bent over backwards trying to prison him. Everybody gained from the steroid era. Everybody benefited - league, owners, players, fans. But for some reason they want to nail Bonds to the cross. Typical hypocrisy.
Now, Bonilla on the other hand, he should be banned from all New York baseball parks.
@irene- word! they act like NO ONE else was shooting up... whatever!
@don- "Now, Bonilla on the other hand, he should be banned from all New York baseball parks."
yeah, I know, he was a real dick, but the heart can't help who it wants LMAO!!!
lmao Bobby Bonilla? the killer B's lol. I have not heard that name for a while. I think Bonds would have a job if he didn't have that fed charge over his head. Have fun in DC.
i am a die-hard cubs fan. and let's just say that whenever bonilla would step to the plate to face a cubs pitcher, we knew he was "an easy out."
do you remember all the hoopla which he brought to NY...
it hurts just thinking about it, doesn't it. LOL.
I can't believe you dissed my boo like that...
but yeah, he was a shitstorm of trouble, but a sexy shitstorm at that. I think I was his only ally at Shea lol
@homer- YES, the Killer Bs- remember that? ahhh the good ol' days...
oh, i didn't mean to dis bonilla like that. he did have some good games against the cubs.
i got friggin tired of hearing bout that steroids crap
i couldnt care less about sports honestly
and a baseball fan great
@don- that's better! lol
@dejanae- I know, baseball is an acquired taste ;)
@torrance- baseball and football; futbol only if it happens to be on TV... but pretty much if I'm at the game I'll watch whatever; nothing compares to actually BEING there
Baseball is the only sport that matters and the Yankees are the only team worth supporting.
And if you are a Mets fan, well, then there is something just plain wrong with you. *wink*
*dodging the glares and rotten tomatoes*
i bought a baseball cap today
and that, my friend, is the full extent of my baseball knowledge.
ah well
happy d.c. weekend
have fun in the district
barry was the shit. i don't know that steroids could make him do what he accomplished. the bottom line is that they don't like him b/c he don't take no shit from nobody. Now...if he wants to take stuff that would make his muscles big and his nutz small...then that's on him. LOL
Go Yankees!!!!
*duckin out the back door b4 Jaded NYer throws something at me*
@irene- just wait... I'm gonna steal Olivia one day and when I bring her back she'll be decked out in Mets gear from head to toe!!!
@-1- baseball isn't for everyone; it just happens to be THE sport in DR, so by default I became a fan
@12kyle- can you see me *side eye* from where you are? 'cause I'm giving it!! lol
LMAO @ u! I see it...but I'm not lookin'
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