This week's show is the Sports Edition of my ongoing "In The News..." segment. Well, at least it will be ongoing as the show marches on (the last Monday of every month). If it made the headlines we might just talk about it... and by "we" I mean me and that knucklehead 12Kyle:

So tune in, call in, heckle us... just whatever you do- go easy on the Mets talk... my wound is still very fresh. OH- and if you're a Brewers fan, don't even bother calling 'cause I *WILL* hang up on you. HMPH!
Not So Mixed Right Now
I enjoyed this summer as a carefree (not really) curly-haired girl thanks to the wonderful makers of Mixed Chicks-
Shout out to the ladies at Mixed Chicks who read my blog post praising their sent-from-heaven products and sent me more products for FREE!!! I was tempted to give them away here via a contest but then was like... um NO because I want it for myself. I wrote the post, not you... go to Ricky's like I did and get your OWN!
I'd also like to shout out my girl Kathe for sending me the full product line from Ouidad- the curl master- for me to sample and enjoy. I use the Balancing Rinse conditioner, Climate Control heat & humidity gel and Botanical Boost spray-in conditioner on alternate days to help reinforce my Mixed curls.
Oh man... I had a great time not dealing with heat and harshness and rollers and hot irons this summer, and finally had the get up and go hair I've dreamt about in forever.
But, um, now that the temperature keeps dipping below 80, I can't tolerate the constant chill of going outside with wet hair. *SIGH* So I blew my hair out this weekend. I'm a little sad to see my curls go, but, it had to be done. I just can't stand to be cold all the time.
Lady Ballers Are BEASTS
Yowza!!! I went to my very first New York Liberty game on Friday with C and the girls (got free tickets from N's after school program) and HOLY CRAP!!!
I used to think I was tall but you know what? I'm not... one of those "chicks" on the Detroit Shocks? Yeah, she's 6'6". And #4 on the Liberty, Janel McCarville?? I think she could take C in a fight, and he's a big dude!
The best part of the game, besides the fact that we won and that the co-ed cheerleaders, The Liberty Torch Patrol, featured this wiry dude I named Sisqo, was N cheering her little heart out in the stands. N is a total sports fanatic! That's my baby right there... I mean you should have heard her, screaming "DE-FENSE" at the top of her lungs; just... such a thing of beauty!
Drug Experiment Gone Not So Good
Saturday night I thought to myself: "I wonder what would happen if I took one of these muscle relaxers and followed it with some sleepy time tea?" My girl L tried to warn me not to try it, but I always have to do things the hard way...
Well let me tell you what happens when you mix those two things... it's pretty similar to being under anesthesia, where you're kinda sorta aware of your surroundings but not really able to move your body. It was like that time I smoked that fucking kush weed and I didn't know it was kush and HOLY MOTHER FUCKING CRAP I thought I was going to die, except I wasn't all paranoid this time.
Not cool!
Needless to say, I stopped smoking after the whole kush incident, and now I know not to mix two relaxants together EVER again.
Thesis Non E Finito
I worked on my fakakta thesis this weekend... only to find that it needs more than a weekend's worth of work.
I just want to be done with this bitch already but NOOOOOOOOOOOOO... it has so many things wrong with it. It will take me at least a week to fix it, especially because I have to read a whole other book now to replace one section of the paper that has no business being there!!!
The good news is, thanks to our friendly neighborhood Jews and Rosh Hashanah, I don't have babies until Wednesday night, so I can work in the library away from my computer and its lure of Season 4 of The Office, and get some of the research and re-writes out of the way.
At least the fiction portion of the work is done. If I still had that to do I *surely* would have to take to a clock tower somewhere...
*smooches...wishing I could just relax for a long time*
oh and by the way, in case you didn't know... I HATE writing essays, and this BLEEPITY-BLEEP BLEEP thesis will be the death of me.
But, special thanks to BAM for sending me that Rashaan Patterson mix (THANKS, GIRL!!)... his voice is helping me get through this work!
The girls are off for Rusha-homma! HAHA Damn I need to work at that school,any school man. Or maybe I will become a holiday jew starting today.
I only work with gentiles so no getting away with that for me.
I was just trying to think of what shampoo you recommended. I was washing my daughters hair and couldn't remember it for shyt.
Good luck with the never ending thesis
maan i wish kinky-curly would send me some dang products! how in the world did they find your blog to even know you did a post on it?
i miss my get up and go hair too. le sigh.
booo to the thesis. i HATE writing essays too. omg they are death on paper.
two relaxants?... oh lordy. lol. in the voice of katt williams.. "i want REGULAR weed... not no killa, thrilla, salmonella, NONE of that ish.. just REGULAR weed." lmao.
rahsaan patterson is the best, isn't he? can't believe you didn't know who he was, chica! lol.
i just can't bring it in myself to watch women's pro basketball. half the fun of watching pro basketball is tall men with muscles...
hope your day is well lady.
@the f$%k it list- child when I worked at Horace Mann we had ALL the Jewish holidays off and it was BEAUTIFUL!! I miss it! Now I don't even get Columbus day off in this bitch, and that fool is (allegedly) buried in D.R.!! I think that should count for something... shit!
@super dave- you should try it; it really worked wonders on my hair- even changed the curl pattern. It's the shit for real!
@muze- I fell in love with the products so much I sent them a "thank you" email/comment with a link to the post.
I actually had no problem watching the ladies play, especially because N has shown interest (and some talent) in basketball, so I might as well get used to it... it's between soccer and basketball for her so there you have it
lmao @ the kat williams quote- he ain't neva lie!!
and yeah, Rashaan is my latest obsession... not sure why I've never heard of him
lol @ you thinking you were tall!! ha ha
Lookin forward to the show tonight. No Mets hate from me. My Yankees were out the of the race a few weeks ago. lol
flexeril/soma is no joke.
glad u made it thru
@pcd- those "ladies" put my height to shame...
@12kyle- I appreciate that, although I can't say callers will behave themselves lol
@-1- I'm glad, too, cause my place was a mess.. I'd hate to be rescued by hottie EMS guys in a messy apartment wearing old PJs!
oh, did you know the Chicago Cubs and White Sox are BOTH doing well?
I'm pretty close to Milwaukee too ...
@anonymous- you sound a lot like this really annoying FUCKER I know that cheers for the Cubs AS IF he ain't from NY and lives near Milwaukee, too...
(te crees BIEN chistoso, verdad? carajo...)
*ahem* excuse me? Did you say something?
No problem Suga.
I feel you on the thesis pain. I finished mine in 2005... 100 + pages of Adult Learning Theory. WHEW... And I don't mind papers.
you had a show about sports and you let 12kyle guest host...
I am appauled... that midget dont know nothing about
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