Before you even THINK about not using a condom, listen to my show tonight... This evening on Monday Musings w/The Jaded NYer & Friends, Brother Omi returns to start off my new Child Rearing 101 segments on Blog Talk Radio.

The first part will deal with the delicate little sleep-stealer you'll be bringing home from the hospital if you forget to use that jimmy hat- immunizations, staying home vs. working outside the home- all that good stuff! So make sure you tune in!!
I Need To Tell You This So You Can Check In On Me
I know I said I'd be keeping projects to myself, but this one needs to be out there in the Universe so that I'm accountable to someone other than me: I'm attempting to write a 50,000 word novel by November 30th. It's part of an online challenge that Brother Omi sent my way and I thought I'd give it a shot.
So far, I have ONLY 2500 words written. YIKES!!!!! If you want to try it, too, visit and sign up. My username is RaquelP75, in case you want to "friend" me *hint, hint*
They Come In Flavors Now
This one is from the West Indies

I. Swear. To. God. I'm not making this sign up- I really saw it in a bakery/restaurant off Church or Flatbush Avenue. I forget which one.
Has Anybody Seen My Invisible Plane?
J sent me this photoshopped pic of him as superman

and I was totally jealous. *I* wanted a superhero picture, too, so I made a request.
The results:

Hey, F$%k-it List; how fitting is this, seeing as you made Alicia Keys' Superwoman my theme song?!?!
And The Beat Rocks Steadily
This weekend I was thinking about my childhood (mostly because I'm in therapy, y'all- she is killing me with this looking inward crap!) and I remembered how Titi Gloris used to date this black guy named Warren and she always played the hottest R&B music. I loved the days I got to go over to her apartment on Pulaski Street.
So while I'm reminiscing, this song pops in my head:
And that made me think of sleep away camp, because the summer I came back from camp this song was playing on all the stations:
I guess therapy ain't all THAT bad.
*smooches...keeping my feet on solid ground til the break of dawn*
I hate to sound like an old fogie, but back in MY day, the music was AWESOME!
therapy is starting to sound good to me too
that pic with the kids
I'ma chalk this up to my uncultured American upbringing but I have no Idea what To-To is.
@dejanae- just trying to keep it real... kids are SCARY!
@super dave- it's Dominican slang for vagina... clearly it means something else in Granada lol
Iono if I would buy coco to to.
Sounds catchy tho
I would so check out the wonder woman movie if you were in it lol.
lol. i've missed my daily dose of Jaded.
first, you look awesome as superwoman. lol. (or is it wonder woman? i dunno. lol)
second, lmao at jimmy hat-immunizations.
yay NaNoWriMo!! i'm not doing it this month, but i did it last year and it was HARD... but i completed. so get to cracking! lol.
I like the Superwoman. And see I told you ! I really rock which leads me to say.....
ROCK STEADY, whooo steady, steady rocking all night long rocking to the break of dawn! My mom loves the Whispers! I mean so much that she made us listen to them in the car for 13 hrs!
I'm not even going to look at that blog about writing a novel, I can barely keep up with what I have to do now, maybe when CJ is 3!
@dipsetjam- no one should see a Wonder Woman movie with me in it... I'm a terrible actress!
@muze- I was on a roll Nov 1st when I started the novel, but now?? UGH... this is why I write short stories instead!!
@the f$%k it list- I was the only moron who thought adding a novel to my TO DO list for November was a good idea... both Irene and Jack cursed me out when I tried to get them to join with me... I need drugs...
girl, that is exactly why i like writing short stories. lol.
quick, easy, and to the point.
i understand totally. lol.
that super woman pic made my day....too funny!
So how can I listen to the show tonight?
@muze- I will keep trying though... even if I don't make 50K, I'd like to get as close as I possible can
@dessex- for just 19.99 plus S&H you, too can be a super hero! lol j/k!!
the show comes on at 10PM EST; just log onto or click the BTR icon on the column on the right hand side of my blog.
And don't be afraid to call in; we promise not to bite! lol
Awww - I wanna be a superhero! You look good as superwoman!
Maybe to do lists are your drugs. Ooh not scary Irene she is tough.
See dammit... that could have been your halloween costume right there...
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