Activity #3: Today I will forgive someone who has hurt me.
This particular activity is asking us to let go of resentment and lighten our emotional load. Suggestions included a face-to-face meeting, a phone call or a handwritten letter. It specifies that you are not forgiving the act, just setting "...yourself free from negativity, bitterness and anger."
I was iffy on this one. When I started to think of the people that I feel hurt by there wasn't a very huge list. I already mended a friendship last week, so that just leaves... Mami and William R. Penzo.
I'm not ready to deal with Mami; she's going through some shit right now and the last thing she needs is for me to bother her with old crap. Therefore...ugh... William R. Penzo it is. It hurt me to think that my own dad was not a part of my life even though he lived like FIVE BLOCKS away. Maybe he did me a favor, seeing as he wasn't always on the best side of the law, who knows? Still, the little girl in me is hurt by that and feels rejected and unloved.
But that little girl is also holding the grown up in me back. Nothing can change what happened, and I have a GREAT dad in Papi.
Then again, by me bringing this up isn't it just going to fuck up his day? How is THAT helpful? And what if he wants to talk to me and shit? Will I have to then have an actual conversation with him? I HATE THIS BOOK!
I hear freedom is a wonderful thing, though. And I'm no wuss...
William R. Penzo, I forgive you.

Should I mail it, y'all?
*smooches...thinking this was the wrong week to do this exercise*
ahh, what the hell... I'm gonna mail it!
Whether or not you should mail that letter is completely up to you. If you want him to know what's in it, send it. If you simply just wanted to vent, burn it. Plus, I think you knew what you wanted to do before you posted the pic.
Now that you've forgiven him, tou can move forward in your life. Forgive yourself for holding onto 30+ years of resentment and explain to the little girl inside that it's not her fault. Good post!
*Now what r u going 2 do with all ur free time - LOL*
I too haven't been wronged by too many people. That leaves MOTHER and FATHER.
FATHER is dead. I only feel wronged by him because he was smart enough to get away from MOTHER, however, he wasn't strong enough to take me with him.
So that leaves MOTHER.
Nope..nothing left. I've said all I had to say to her in the shower.
Look at that...I am resentment free. *giggles*
Well, I do think that you can mail it. I trust that it will be a step in a good direction for you. See what happens and respond as you feel comfortable.
<3 you!
I LOVE the Rock!!
Mail it. You took the time to write it. If your girls ever felt that way about you...wouldn't you want them to tell you?
mail it. i wish i had the courage and strength to confront my own and then finally be able to forgive him. mine lived 2 blocks away, but was never there for me. i know exactly how you feel. and even if you dont mail it, kudos for being strong enough to forgive him.
btw, you have really nice handwritting, lol
Thanks for your comments, everyone.
I mailed it.
I have been going through this same thing regarding my father and his mother.
I almost broke down and e-mailed her (oh you don't feel granny elva on the yahoo skillz) but I couldn't do it.
I'm ok with being bitter and possibly not clearing it up before they die. *forced kool-aid smile* but mad props to you for going through with it. I admire you for that.
SO proud of you for mailing it. Its his burden to carry.
I think you should mail it. If only for your own self, yes, mail it.
Okay, I see where you mailed it. Aww so proud of you Rocky. Also, an emotional load can be detrimental not only to yourself but to those around you. Trust me, I know.
LOL @ me saying I know if you really care what I think.
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