But even I, in my
Now, I don't ask for assistance for myself hardly EVER, but when it comes to the babies I gladly lay my pride aside and confer with my fellow mommies.
And it's in this spirit that I come to you today, oh lovely readers, with a certain parenting issue that is about to unnecessarily drive me bonkers. So of course you already know it has to do with N, also known as Thug Boogie.

Everyday, when I pick Thug Boogie up from school it's the same thing: when we are already a block away from the school this little heifer is holding her crotch doing the PEE PEE DANCE talking 'bout, "I have to go real bad!" Every. Day. Without fail.
I've repeatedly asked her to use the restroom before the school day ends so that she's not walking through the street like some MJ impersonator (HEE HEE! SHAMON!) trying to foolishly hold her urine in with her hand but to no avail. So now we go through this choreography where she does this PEE PEE DANCE until I hand over the house keys, grab her book bag and tell her to run ahead to let herself in before she wets herself.
This, my friends, is not a new development. Ever since this Child of God was potty trained she's had the BAD HABIT of not using the bathroom until it's too late and it's an emergency. I've had to actually disembark from a train once, losing THREE subway fares, in order to find her a restroom. You don't even want to know what my stankness level was on that day... GRRRR!
So here's my dilemma: aside from addressing the problem with her teacher, who I'm sure has her hands full with more pressing issues than whether or not N went to the bathroom, how can I solve this annoying PEE PEE DANCE issue?
Let the mommies and daddies and recovering PEE PEE DANCErs come forward and advise...
*smooches...proving that it DOES take a village, bitchezzz*
normally El Generalissimo Mommy of BedStuy would just WHOOP the child into submission until she learned to urinate when *I* told her to, but something tells me that would be wrong.
So any advice would be most appreciative...
1st - could she have a medical problem. The constant urgent need to pee can be caused by a medical issue. I know that's the last thing you want to hear, but hey, its possible.
2nd - how about making sure she limits how much she drinks. Nothing in, nothing out, ya know.
3. Carry a portable potty and whenever that situation comes up again, whip it out wherever you are and make her use it. THAt, my dear, WILL TEACH HER A HUGE LESSON!
Those are the three options I have.
As a former "pee pee dancer," my mother let me humiliate myself when I was about six or seven. Needless to say, I have yet to "hold it" until it's too late. When I gotta go, I gotta go.
It became a problem again when I started drinking. And if you've got an alcoholic 9-year-old, the pee pee dance is the least of your worries.
I'm with Irene.. carry a bucket and tell her to use it behind a bush lmao.
Thug Boogie is too gangsta to do the pee pee dance.
I'm with Irene on point 2. She needs to not have anything to drink after a certain time.
And Thug Boogie I'm gonna need you to act right, you can't do the cool walk if you're moon walking because you don't want to pee on yourself.
I don't have any children but I agree with Smarty Jones! It's bound to happen sooner or later, so just let her piss herself and learn her lesson!
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