You see Suzy back there behind Jose? She's having a bachelorette dinner with her bitches, and apparently felt it was appropriate to wear a crown of Peni (pronounced "peen-eye", plural form of penis. Deal with it). I was NOT amused. And neither was Jose!

You'll be gentle? Really? I'm sure that's what Dahmer said to HIS victims, too. *makes the sign of the cross* The devil is a LIAR!!

What in the short-pant-ugly-socks-bright-shoe HELL is going on here?? And did he buy that vest in a size too small? I can't...
*smooches...almost fed up with people*
but they give me such good blog material so I can't be mad!
I believe the "I'll be gentle" shirt and the vest are in a size called Smedium. Stop fooling yourself and get a large. It's ok.
Girl, you need to spend some time on the island. Today, I swear, I saw The Real Housewives of Long Island and Roosevelt Field Mall. I'm not even playin. Talk about blog material...
That crown is disgusting....who let her into the establishment? And why is each one so teeny tiny?
Play fair, Rocky. Play fair.
That was funny though @ What in the short-pant-ugly-socks-bright-shoe
@tyrone- LMAO @ SMEDIUM! I love that size to death hahahahahahahaha
@irene- I'm afraid to people watch on Long Island *shudders at the thought*
@elisheba- she prob didn't want to make her fiance jealous by getting anything bigger LOL
@don- they're not playing fair... did you SEE the photos?!
In fact that size has been renamed "The Dream On" size after the The Dream (hip hop producer/artist/ Christina Milian baby daddy) who also insists he is not an XL but a snug medium. Boy, please.
@mari- So, tell us how you REALLY feel about The Dream's wardrobe...hahahahahaha
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