This one right here is going to drive me to smoke meth, I know it, but she will do it in such a cute & adorable way you can't help but love her for it.

I adore her energy and lust for life and yes- even her thuggish ways and smart-ass mouth. I mean, how can I not when she's nothing more than a reflection of me?
Show my baby some love, good people; she turns NINE today!
*smooches...only for N today*
and if you so desire, feel free to send her gift certificates to Build-A-Bear because that is her most favoritest place on earth. Besides being in my arms :P
Happy Birthday my Ninonska!!!!
You know I'm mid tear right now bc I cannot believe that she is 9! AH. Happy Birthday Boogie! Despite our love/hate relationship, she is a mirror of my younger self and I love her for it ;-) I might watch HSM tonight in her honor
Happy Birthday, Miss Naomi!!!
Happy Birthday N. Wait is that thuggish enough.. NAH
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SON! Light up the BAR (the chocolate millk bar that is) heheh
*steppin' up wiping my nose all thugged out*
Yo, N, Happy Birf-day, Son! I hope ya moms and pops got chu a lotta toys and teddy bears and whatnot!
I hope you have a great one, Sweetie!
Honey, please - not Meth ... your teeth!
Happy BDay N-baby. Don't make your mom smoke meth!
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