That's right... Monday Musings is on, and since Latino Heritage Month ends on Wednesday, I figured we'd discuss what makes us Latinos.

It should be fun, as Mari is making a return appearance (will she have notes and stats this time? I don't know... you'll have to tune in and listen) and the lovely Qucifer (will she curse a few people out? I can't say... you just have to see for yourself) will be joining the fold for a great discussion.
And I know it will be great because I'm great and they're great and please, you know you're gonna listen anyway so stop frontin' like you're not!
Now... back to the topic at hand.
The Universe. Pissed. At Me.
So remember how Friday I was over here talking shit about god and all that? Well clearly that did not go over so well with the heavens because I paid dearly for those wretched comments... in the form of making my entire body ache from working out all week.
Yeah... I'm back to the gym, taking it one class at a time and not really advertising it. Just doing it for me. Except I kinda have to talk about it because OUCH OUCH OUCH OUCH!!!
It hurts to breath I'm so sore!
And don't even get me started on the DEBACLE that was my bike ride on Saturday... lets just say I'm really truly madly out of shape.
And as if to add salt to my wounds, the Universe tried to have me taken out by nature! As I sat by the pond reading, I heard some leaves crunching behind me... only to find a sneaky little squirrel trying to creep over to me. As soon as I looked it in the eye he- and the other two squirrels that I hadn't noticed that were also creeping in my direction- ran off.
Then they sent in the big guns- a raccoon. They didn't have to tell me twice. I got the fuck outta Dodge.
Okay, Universe, god, Zeus, whatever... I learned my lesson. Don't talk about you on my blog. Got it.
Now can you please untighten my shoulders so that I can sleep in peace? Please?
*smooches...thinking it may be time I gave massages another try*
because this soreness is bullshit.
oh wait... lookee here... muscle relaxers... where did THESE come from...?
If you are hurting so much, it may be time to give your body a rest for a few days.
you just gave me an excuse not to go to the gym... like I needed another one... thx jaded... now I know I aint fitting into my sexy halloween
@irene- I'm just being a baby... it's not that bad. just don't wanna! lol
@eb- no girl you HAVE TO go... even I'm going back tonight after work. NO PAIN, NO GAIN!
@dejanae- but they're sitting on the counter calling out to me... I was minding my own business... they started it! lol
Too funny @ muscle relaxers comments.
Good luck with the radio show tonite, and your gym business. No pain, no gain...
You have to keep going or you won't ever cross that plateau. Pain is good when working but not to the point where you can't walk.
Maybe more stretching!
@don- thanks for the well wishes. now make sure to tune in!
@the f$%k it list- I'm gonna, I'm gonna... I'm just bitchin and moanin...
@bangs and a bun- I thought about that and was going to ask if they were sent by some Canadian drag queens, but they didn't look like the friendly, chatting type. So I booked it out of the park...
Oh the gym ... I remember those days. When I wasn't a fat bastard and went to the gym four times a week. *sigh*
Now that's some shit, though, that the racoons are in cahoots with the squirrels. That's some Jehovah Witnesses shit right thurrr ....
It's supposed to hurt thats how you know your doing it right.
Too bad you're not here in Detroit, I got the bomb massage therapist and he is super cute..
thats right one class at a time....Going to the gym could be such a drag sometimes
Why the fack do I gots to be in charge of the people cussing.... hmmphhh
Try me though!
I too went tothe gym all this weekend and I feel like some evil past lovers just caught me in a corner and beat the living shit off of me with baseball bats!
@jack- LOL @ "fat bastard"... I'm gonna start calling you that...
@clnmike- but WHY??? *sobs*
@bam- *books flight to Detroit* you don't say... what's his name??
@dessex- I try not to really plan ahead, just day by day, and so far that's been working really well for me
@qucifer- the price we pay to look as good as we do... lol
@brother omi- I know, I know... I'm stil at it. Finally found something that's working for me :D
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