Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Together We Tend To Be An Estrogen-Laced Hot Mess

This weekend we all went out to eat to this yummilicious Colombian restaurant off of Woodhaven Blvd. Me, mami, the babies and Mari.

First let me tell you that when the five of us get together we eat like it's the end of the world. I have no idea why, but it seriously becomes a game of "I Can Eat More Than You" with no one as the winner, except maybe the bathroom scale.

Second, whenever we're all together, we also start in with the silliness and inappropriateness that then leads to infectious giggles that cannot be quelled no matter what. I don't know if it's a product of being Latinas or growing up in a naked house or what, but the stuff we say to each other...

Like when K mentioned she doesn't like to wear pink because it's girlie, and mami told her that she is a girl and that she can verify this by checking her toto, which is Dominican slang for vagina...

Or crazy nonsensical utterings like when Mari said, in the middle of our Bingefest '08 when someone mentioned that perhaps we should stop eating: "It's not over until your belly pops."

Or cricket inducing word vomits, like when N took a whiff of mami's cafecito and said: "Mmmm I love smelling this because it smells like coffee." *sigh*

Or complete Dominican buffoonery at its best, like when mami AGAIN referenced un toto, and then was embarrassed because she remembered that we were in a Colombian restaurant and someone might have heard her. But then when she stated that perhaps they use a different slang word for vagina, Mari comes with: "Yeah, but I feel like the fat guy at the counter knows what it means... I don't like the way he's smiling..."

I absolutely lost it at that point... there was no recovering after "the fat guy at the counter" comment...

*smooches...realizing that perhaps you just had to be there to get it"
and did I mention that the paella that Mari and I ordered was big enough to feed a small Peruvian village? Yeah, I'm STILL eating the leftovers...