Thursday, January 13, 2011

Memory Is Mostly Perception, No?

A bit ago Mari bought me this great book, Room to Write, and it has oh-so-many writing prompts to get your creative juices flowing. Of course, because I'm the awesome person I am, I decided to share its contents with you, hoping it will light a fire under your writer's block.

Ever notice how you'll sit around reminiscing with friends and family about certain events and they look at you all funny and say, "That's not how it happened." Doesn't that just make you sit back and wonder if your whole life has been a lie because of your faulty memory skills? I mean, I've come to terms with my Swiss cheese brain (Kids: Just Say NO To Drugs!!) but it can still get pretty annoying.

This next exercise is geared towards accepting and deriving creativity from what you DON'T remember.
Goldberg suggests,
"Non-memories may involve parts of the past you have difficulty recalling [and] may include what has been absent from your life."
Ready? Play along with me...

Room To Write Activity #3: I Don't Remember

This time, begin with the phrase "I don't remember" and fill up a page...
I don't remember when it was that I got my first TV. I only know that it allowed me the freedom to disappear from what I considered to be an overbearing life. I could escape to the Eastland School for Girls or be a nurse during the Vietnam War or marvel at the luscious beauty of Sophia Loren during the late-night viewings of foreign films on Channel 13. I watched TV until programming would go off the air- back when television stations took a break from programming- with little-to-no regard for my mind and body's need of rest and relaxation. I watched The Mets play, I watched ABC Afterschool Specials, I gorged on Channel U68 for doses of Swan's Crossing, Degrassi Junior High or Video Music Box. This picture box became more important to me than family, schoolwork and sleep. I don't remember when this TV came into my life, but I can trace the downfall of my productivity and ability to maintain healthy interpersonal relationships to its arrival.

See? Piece of cake! Now you try- leave it in the comments or keep it to yourself. Either way, happy writing!!

*smooches...hoping to inspire a writer or two today*
wouldn't it be nice if we ALL got published? then we can be the snooty members of The Jaded Empire!