***Can I just add real quick what a BITCH it was to be pregnant in the middle of summer? TWICE? What the hell was I thinking... fornicating in November like some cheap harlot?
Towards the end of both pregnancies I remember wanting to peel off my skin it was so freakin hot! At one point, when I was pregnant with K, I was so ready to just go in "there" and pull her out myself. That's how uncomfortable I was.
My poor ex... we lived way up in the hills at Alfred at in the Kappa Sigma house (which was actually the old Lambda house), and I'd make him go buy me twin pops from the UniMart way down in the valley at least 3 times a day. And no matter how many he bought at a time, I'd eat them all at once and then say, "Baby I'm still hhhhoooootttttt!! I need more Popsicles!!!!"
Ahhh the good ol' days...***
K will officially be a teenager (YOU: "but Raquel, you don't look old enough to have a teenager!" ME: "Oh, aren't you a dear!")

and N will be eight. EIGHT.

My baby is eight *sniffle* and it's probably no longer kosher to carry her around and eat her belly. But I do it anyway and she lets me. So there!
In my family, elaborate birthday parties get cut off at age 10 because, in theory, the next few years is spent saving and planning for the quinceañera, so we're just taking K and some of her friends to Six Flags. But I didn't have a quince and it looks like K isn't too keen on one either. Why? She'd rather use that money towards publishing the book she's writing. My baby. Writing a book.
Stop. Hating. Green is not your color...
Her sister, however, is ALL ABOUT the party, because she knows her mommy will go out of her way to make fancy invitations, yummy cupcakes (always strawberry cake with chocolate frosting and cherries on top), and that the rest of the family will spoil her with gifts and all of her favorite foods.
This year's theme: Crazy Eights. Don't ask how I'm gonna pull this off, but so far I'm ordering these balloons,

sending out these homemade invitations,
and settled on a cake shaped like an 8 surrounded by bunches of cupcakes (god forbid there be no cupcakes!). How many in a bunch? Why, eight of course!
Because I am a birthday party FANATIC that can't be stopped!
*smooches...dusting off my old plans of becoming a party planner*
I put all my business-ownin' aspirations on the back burner for the sake of grad school and my writing, but gosh darn it, party planning is in my BLOOD! Anyone need something planned? I'll give you the friends and family discount... lol
Hey Baby. Me and Mable will have to get you to help us plan one of C & C parties (Chitterlins & Collard Greens). Maybe you can help us come up with somethang a little different than the usual C & C parties so we can surprise our peoples. Anyhow you have fun planning them birthdays events for your childrens. Take care now.
Ruthie Ann
Ehn! that is the cutest situation!
Binks and I and My littlest half sister are all born in July too... My parents clearly had no t.v or other forms of entertainment back In 1980-1981 cause bitches be a year almost to the day
your daughter writing a book @ the ripe old age of eight - gotta luv it. i guess she get the writing talents from her mom. good deal.
the birthday theme is the business. my sister was born in the middle of july. so, november might really be that deal you speak of.
@the pew view- C&C parties? no problem. I will make note LOL
@qucifer- LMAO at all born almost to the day... yo- something about november... it's apparently THE baby-making month HA!
@don- my baby is a genius but not THAT much of a genius LOL... the almost-13-year-old is writing a book. the almost-8-year-old paints.
as you can see I'm raising two starving artists who, like their mami, will need some life-sucking 9-5 to support their habits LOL
oh, my bad. i took it that K was the 8 year old.
Perdóneme. ve, por eso yo necesito a una mujer grave en mi vida. ella me puede mantenerse al ritmo de en mi atención a los detalles.
*sends don a link to mail order brides from DR... and a Spanish grammar book*
Yo ex should have just bought a big ass box of those twinpops, it would have saved him a couple of trips to the stores....
Can I brother get a cupcake lol
Awww, your little girls are growing up!! But you know they will ALWAYS be your babies.
Summer births make perfect sense. November is cold, you are indoors, eating and drinking, holidays around the corner, feeling sentimental. Next thing you know, you got a little sumthin sumthin going on!
I swear I don't come here just for the comments - but some of these are HYSTERICAL!!! Dique Don wants "una mujer grave." LMAO ... Jaded, are you feeling well nowadays?
Re: the starving artists - quick, buy dem kids a math book! A logic puzzle ... an erupting volcano ... ALGO!
Oh - and Jaded, you don't look at all old enough to have a teenager.
A teenager? You don't look a day over 25. You must have been getting busy early lmao.
@ jack: i knew you would clown me for that comment. LOL. i do think there is a layered and serious side.
@dessex- lol, sure; I'll email you a cupcake after the party :)
@wow- yeah, NY does get cold in November LOL
@jack- funny thing is, they ARE good at that stuff, but have managed to gravitate towards the arts anyway... where o where did I go wrong? they must not want to have any money... maybe I made poverty look like too much fun?? LOL
and yes, I'm feeling fine LMAO!!!
@super dave- thanks... I think... lol
@don- I done told you to stop encouraging him... lol
whoa, whoa, whoa...yeah, yeah, yeah...they say, a man aint supposed to cry....
Don - Who "they" is? "They" better not come 'round me with that mess - dique men aren't supposed to cry. next thing you're gonna tell me women shouldn't be brick layers! (And I knew one - her name is Mercedes - so don't play)
And now you're making Jaded into an onion? With layers? Careful - she'll make you cry too ...
Jaded - You sho' MUST have made poverty look good. When they street artists, making words of art on the sidewalk with colored chalk ... have fun raising your grandkids! LMAO!
@ Jaded Santana
You do look very young to have a teenager.
LMAO @ summer babies. you sound like mrs12. our oldest and middle sons were born aug 9 and aug 8 (3 yrs apart). i remember asking her how she felt. she said "i don't feel comfortable in my own body...and it's your fault." I said nuffin and just walked out of the room. lmao!!!
@ jack: oh, that's a chorus quote from a popular song. that's all. i too believe men are supposed to cry. that's why it takes a 'the serious one.'
@ raquel: Y ningún raquel yo soy no mentecato. gracias mucho. soy un humano bueno y apacible que es como usted. hahaha.
I have a Yahoo IM audible in the works for that don ... not that I have his yahoo SN or anything, but I have it!
Pregnant in the summer, I dont need to be a woman to know that sucks.
@don & jack- um, are you two vying for a spinoff? stop Bogarting the comments! lol
@12kyle- good for you... knowing when to walk away, 'cause hell hath no fury like a pregnant woman in August... I'm just sayin!
@clnmike- right! imagine how uncomfortable you are now on the muggiest, hottest, most humid day in NY, add 25 pounds all concentrated on your midsection/lower back, with something pushing up on your diaphragm and pushing down on your bladder.
that was me. pregnant in the summer. twice.
Now where the bloody hell were all these fancy ideas last week. You are so on punishment Ms. Jaded! Next year CJ and you have a date, let the planning begin.
Aww No quinceañera? that's pretty awesome that she is thinking about her book instead. These kids get too wrapped up in these elaborate parties....My super sweet 16, UGH.
ok punishment is over. :P
i love the theme. good idea! and the invites, cake and balloons all loook grrrrr8
i swear this is not spam. i just found out about this website the other day, that is owned by the same people as Gymboree. it is called Crazy 8. it's a clothing website for kids, kind of like Childrens' Place. a lot of their clothes have the crazy 8 logo on them, AND they have a big sale right now. might be perfect to get for your 8 yr old and her party!
(look in the t-shirt section for really cute stuff!)
@the f$%k it list- sorry!! next year for sure; remind me because I tend to have a swiss cheese brain
@judy- thanks!!
@anonymous- oh wow THANK YOU! those shirts are perfect!!!
aww, thats awesome.
love the hand made invites
i may need a party planned in about 10 months *fingers crossed*
you're welcome about the crazy 8 website! hope the party was fun! happy birthday to both your kids!
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