J: long story short
J: We was joy riding
ME: and
J: My boy noticed smoke so. Then I noticed the car basically was just rolling on its own
J: So I pulled over and parked
J: Boy said fire
J: I grabbed the ipod and ran
J: It engulfed in flames
J: A lil explosion happened
J: Fire department showed up
ME: that's prob 'cause you been buying that cheap gas from Thailand
ME: [insert ROFLMAO smiley here]
J: They put out the fire and just completely destroyed what was left of it
J: Well I was mad because I filled up on name brand gas rite b4 the fire
ME: were you smoking the pot? is that what happened?
J: No smoking
J: But we were at hunts point looking for hookers
J: I swear
J: We weren't gonna touch them
J: Just wanted to look
ME: good, because then I would have had to cancel the movie... don't want to sit next to hooker cooties
J: Lol
J: You're the only person I told
J: I think people know
ME: about your car or the hookers
J: Cause it caught on fire at hunts point
J: The hookers
ME: lol
ME: I think... hmmm... yup, I believe you just made the blog, homie
ME: [insert CLAPPING smiley here]
ME: [insert CELEBRATION smiley here]
J: Btw ironically we didn't see a single hooker

*smooches...wondering if I should cut back on my god jokes*
although nothing breaks the ice like a good god joke... so did you hear the one about god, the proctologist and the hostess at TGI Friday's...?
you are soooooooooooo wrong!!!
That was crazy and feel free to come get in on the church conversation I posted on Monday. I really would love to hear your take.
they on blast for burning up they car and picking up hookers. It's hard being your friend... lol
Thanks for the illustration, that's what I call art!
I disagree - it's very easy to be her friend!
Good morning, beautiful.
Good morning, beautiful.
too funny @ I grabbed the ipod and ran. the thing is: i probably would have did the same. One thing about a fire - it lets a person know what is and isn't important.
hilarious picture. did you draw it?
@ jack: are you trying to take the place of Antoine the UPS Guy?
@12kyle- listen... they were the fools over at Hunts Point, not me... that's what they get LOL
@rich- left a comment over on your spot; enjoy it! lol
@super dave- hey I always ask for permission! I feel like people tell me things sometimes WANTING me to post it. I feel used! lol
@jack- awww!!! it's soooooo easy to be your friend, too!!
@don- I did indeed draw that myself.
LMAO @ your comment to jack... you two crack me up!
@Don: Puerto Rican is the new brown.
@ raquel: the female('yo car on fiyah!), i bet her back is killing her.
@jack- PUT THAT ON A TSHIRT!! that's crazy! lol
@don- if it is killing her then it serves her right!
I TOLD her not to get that surgery, but she was all like, "but I need it for work! the white boys like 'em big n fake" so whatever.
and she betta not even ask me for some Aleve...
Do you have some aleve?
lol u grabbed the ipod
Funny Chick..
HAHAHAHA, Cheap gas from Thailand! Too much!
smoking, "the" pot?
like... a specific hit of pot???
"the" pot??
lmao at YOU
and thnx for the illustration
hadn't seen one of those since u almost had 2 jack up that lil' loser boy that dumped your daughter.
@jack- I KNOW you ain't asking for THAT bitch! I TOLD her not to get implants!!!
@torrance- I know, right- forget his friends and whatnot, just go for the ipod! lol
@foia- thanks!
@the f$%k it list- he knows that's where he got it from... tryna act like he bought premium... premium don't make cars explode like that! lol
@-1- aww... the drive by... one of my favorites! you remembered!
Stuff like this just doesn't happen in the over-grown cow town of Denver.
LOL shoo, i would've grabbed my ipod too!
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