Friday, June 27, 2008


Dear Regal Union Square Stadium Movie Theater,

NEVER, in my 30+ years of movie going, have I witnessed such UNPROFESSIONALISM in a theater.


And trust me when I say I've been to some ghetto ass theaters (Court Street Cinemas, I'm looking at you...).

You had us out there on line for TWO FUCKING HOURS, in this muggy-ass weather, and PROMISED that we were ticket holders who would, in fact, be getting in to see the movie.

And then, right when we are at the door we realize.. no, no, you're a fucking liar.

CLEARLY there were more bodies than seats. CLEARLY. But you kept insisting that "all ticket holders would get in."

If it weren't for the fact that Lani and I could have a good time in a Turkish prison, we would have been angrier at your bullshit NON-apology and even more bullshittier offer at reserve seats for Monday's show, and that whole place would be burned to the ground right now!

I can reserve seats for you for Monday's show MY ASS! Who's coming back on Monday? YOUR MOTHER is coming back on Monday!!!

I'm certain that I speak for Lani, too, when I say FUCK you and your stupid piece of shit theater.

You will never see another red cent from me EVER!!

The Jaded NYer

*smooches...only because the piƱa coladas helped to calm us down*
seriously, though, I've attended free screenings of movies for a hot minute now and this has never happened at the other movie houses. but this bitch-ass theater... yeah, they just lost a customer for good...

people, we are now boycotting this theater... on 13th and Bway, right next to the Virgin Records in Union Square. DO NOT GIVE THEM YOUR MONEY!