Wednesday, April 21, 2010

We Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Programming... remind you that La Pluma y La Tinta have their FOURTH literary reading scheduled for Saturday, April 24th at 7PM. This month we're at Brownstone Books again so if you're close by and love literature, stop on over.

I'd also like to invite all of you writers in the NYC area to participate in the FIFTH reading set for May 8th at Bluestockings in Lower Manhattan. This one will be a biggie and a goodie because:

>Rebeca's birthday is May 5th
>Theresa's birthday is May 9th
>MY BIRTHDAY is May 23rd
>This is our FIFTH reading
>Aaaaaannnndddddd... We're having a mini-launch party of sorts for the workshop's website.

Exciting shit, right?!

Yeah, we got big literary thangs poppin' over at Jaded Empire Media. Get on board NOW or get left the fuck behind.

*smooches...ordering a special throne from Italy as I type*
I want it sprinkled with Emeralds so do your part by clicking that donation button LOL


Tiffany S. Jones said...

You just make sure the plush carpet in my office is hypo-allergenic n shit. You know I'm allergic to everything. said...

Ahem... and my birthday on the 12th!! :-P

Imma be at the reading this month fo sho.. But I'll be out of the country for the May one.. (hopefully)

The F_Uitlist said...

I'll be there!

I'd like my office to have hard wood floors and the furniture pointed East to face Mecca. Got it?


Anonymous said...

Gem's birthday is May 25th. I'll wait while you update the fliers.
