Thursday, April 15, 2010

Come Get Yo' Cousins Vol. 1: Subway Assaults

I don't enjoy making fun of people. Really I don't. I used to but these days I'd rather use my powers for good instead of evil.

But your cousins won't let me BE.

Exhibit A:

Cousin Becky was wearing this atrocity in the middle of winter. Please take her shopping for some taste.

Exhibit B:

Cousin Jasper was not just Pretty in Purple, he was rockin' a Don King salt n pepper 'fro and carrying a WALKMAN! Please get him a stylist. From the year 2010.

I ain't got time for your relatives...

*smooches...rinsing my eyes with saline solution*
why me, Baby Jesus, whyyyyyy? I swear, man, the MTA brings a fresh new hell for me every time I board a train...


Tiffany S. Jones said...

I'm done with that Easter egg suit. Done, I tell you!

The Jaded NYer said...

Maybe you shoulda thought about that before you let him leave the house like that!

Video Vix[o]n said...

and these are what you see UNDERground! mind you, these ppl are bringing these styles up to the street. they're better off in the subway system, smh

Dorian @ Big Apple Style said...

Love it! I remember seeing a man in NC with a Carolina blue leather suit on (pants & jacket) with a matching bowler was a HAM!