Friday, April 30, 2010

Inappropriate BBMs, Vol. 2

ME: So, what about me says, "Please send me a picture of your hard dick?"

Smarty P. Jones:

Smarty P. Jones:
Who sent you a pic?

I mean, I saved it, but still...

Smarty P. Jones:

Smarty P. Jones:

Smarty P. Jones:

Smarty P. Jones:

Smarty P. Jones:
*just dead*

*smooches...finding new ways to kill friends dead*
who's next? oh, and I called dibs on Smarty's music & movie collection so y'all heffas just BACK OFF!


Eb the Celeb said...

lmaooooooooo and I know the answer to smartys question bwhahhaahahhaha

Tiffany S. Jones said...

I can't believe you posted this for real. Eb, don't encourage her foolishness. said...

*packs up*
*leaves town*
I just can't handle this level of crazy

*throws deuces*

The F_Uitlist said...

DAMN JADED, we just found out she was gone and you done jacked her music and movies. Well i want her shot gun!