Second, I just want to point out that I am DRASTICALLY behind on my thesis…my professor actually had to contact me to ask what’s up. I try and try to get into it but am just not motivated to work on it- I think I’m burnt out. I’ve been in school since I was 5 years old…I think maybe it’s time to take a break for a while…
Lastly, did ya’ll know Doogie Howser was gay??? OMG I was totally shocked (and no, that’s not my sarcastic voice. I was TOTALLY shocked). My gaydar must be broken! He had a blurb in People Magazine about how he’s a proud gay man living a very content life. Well you go, boy!
New Job
My first week went very well, considering that the night before my first day I had horrible nightmares about my ex-boss from The Basement trying to kill me. I actually woke up in a cold sweat! I was so nervous, anxious, and a whole slew of other –ous words on the whole commute over there. Am I wearing the right clothes? Will I do a good job? How’s my hair? I was a straight mess.
But I get there and they’re all super sweet and everything…and then pile a shit-load of work on my desk. I was like: “What? Oh, you want me to WORK at work? Why didn’t anybody tell me?” My boss took us all (yeah, all FOUR of us) to lunch and I sat there eating my portabella mushroom sandwich as they went on about stuff I know very little about. I get the feeling I’m going to have to actually read the paper and keep up with the news while working here…and oh, look; it actually says so in my employee handbook…
The work itself is not difficult and I actually enjoy it. For right now I’m editing articles for three different environmental newsletters, so I get to use some of my undergraduate knowledge…nice to know that $30G I borrowed to go to Alfred is finally paying off. BTW- New England is headed for a HUGE energy crisis come 2010. You heard it here first.
New Nanny
So that bitch ass trick Jamaican whore I had hired in September left me stranded the Monday before Election Day- can you believe her? And after I kept her on even though I was not working! This is what I get for giving her a second chance; she quit before claiming she needed to find a fulltime job because she wasn’t able to make rent with only part-time work, like it was my fault. She KNEW I only needed part-time help. And she set her own rate and I agreed to it. So because she’s an idiot who can’t handle her money I get stuck without a sitter. And if I hadn’t called her on Monday, I get the feeling she was not going to tell me until right before N. needed to be picked up from school.
I said to hell that shit and just went to an agency, and now employ a very nice, sweet and nurturing Trinidadian woman who actually plays with my kids while she’s caring for them. It costs a helluva lot more, but it’s worth it, if only for peace of mind.
But you should have seen some of the other candidates: one woman came in here like she was Queen B and so I had to give her the ole, don’t-call-us-we’ll-call-you; another woman was so meek I could already envision N. eating her alive, just for kicks; this one girl was like two hours late! Yeah, I think I made the right choice.
New Headaches!
I finally had to swallow my pride and grow some balls and call my credit cards. Confession time, folks: I’ve not made a CC payment since July of this year. Needless to say they were rather peeved with me and were blowing up my phone like 20 times a day EVERY-FUCKING-DAY!!! So I sat down and called them and made payment agreements with all of them. Can I just say- I owe a LOT of money! What the hell was I thinking???
The reality of how badly I just fucked up my credit, after I worked so hard to rebuild it since The College Years, really has me down. Initially I wanted to be in a position to buy a place in two years; I’ve already been in this apartment for a year so technically next year I was going to start looking for property to purchase. Now, with all these blemishes on my credit, I may have to wait a couple of extra years and that is so depressing! How can I be this old and STILL be renting? I’m absolutely pissed with myself over the whole thing!
But I have a good job and if I manage to not fuck it up it could lead to bigger and better things…like a pre-War on the Upper West Side…
*smooches...now with direct deposit!*
i had to leave the house of privilege
spend christmas homeless and feeling bad
to learn that privilege is a headache
that you don't know that you don't have
and i had to leave the house of television
to start noticing the clouds
it's amazing the stuff you see
when you finally shed that shroud
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